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Here are some of the questions I get asked the most, and what my answers have been. This way you can get your answers immediately, without having to wait on me. And you never know, you might find answers to a few questions you didn't even know you had yet.

*This is still a work in progress. I'm continuing to add many more questions, and we are still ironing out a few quirks. But we wanted to make this available as soon as possible.

There are several ways to choose the question(s) you'd like answered:

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Can my hair grow as long as yours?
Undamaged, healthy hair grows an average of 1/2 inch a month. That means you can get about 6 inches of growth every year. There is no reason why you couldn't have long, strong, happy curls, too.

Your hair can grow as long as mine (or even longer, depending on the average lifespan of your hair), as long as it isn't being damaged.

After the Big Chop (and stopping any more damage occurring to my hair), it took me about ten years to grow my hair down to my tailbone. At 12 years it's now down to my hips when it's wet.

The two things that keep us from having long hair is that our hair is easily damaged. Unfortunately, many of the ways we were taught to care for our hair causes lots of damage.

Once we learn to care for our curls without damaging them any longer, our hair can finally grow to its maximum length. The trick is to learn to care for our curls without damaging them any longer.

The big trick for our tight curls is to keep from damaging it. All our lives we are taught to care for our hair in ways that tears it up and hurts it badly, so it breaks and won't grow. If we can stop hurting it, there is no reason for it not to grow. But stopping hurting it is also the hard part. It takes time and patience to care for our curls in a way they like.

Any chemicals that permanently alter it in any way do the worst damage. Any kind of perm, or any kind of lightening hurts our hair. Brushing also hurts our hair, especially when dry. So we have to learn a new way to handle our hair that doesn't hurt it any more. Once all the damaged parts are gone, your hair will grow and grow.

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