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Here are some of the questions I get asked the most, and what my answers have been. This way you can get your answers immediately, without having to wait on me. And you never know, you might find answers to a few questions you didn't even know you had yet.

*This is still a work in progress. I'm continuing to add many more questions, and we are still ironing out a few quirks. But we wanted to make this available as soon as possible.

There are several ways to choose the question(s) you'd like answered:

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Hey! I Noticed the Ingredients Within A Brand's Line of Conditioners Are Nearly Identical
It's one of those advertising realities, that people are more likely to buy a product that sounds like it's just for them (if they have colored hair, they are more likely to pick up a bottle that says it's for color-treated hair than one for dry hair, even if the ingredients are the same). So advertisers take advantage of it, by marketing nearly identical ingredients in different bottles with different names. Usually, within a particular brand, all the offered products for any type of dry, damaged, color treated, permed, long, fuzzy hair are about the same, with maybe slight differences.

Oh, and another trick these companies do, is they often package nearly the same ingredients that are in their conditioners, and market them as a deep conditioner, but put it in a much smaller bottle, and charge much more for them. And really, there aren't that many ingredients that make much of a difference. So to charge huge amounts for particular ingredients that work just the same as cheaper products (and often the expensive products use the identical ingredients as cheaper products, they just throw in some herbs because people like them), and charge a fortune. Really, once you really start reading labels, it opens the door to what is really going on, and will save you mucho bucks.

If the ingredients are the same in the products you like as the ones I recommend, then they will work about the same (the only reason they might act a bit different is if the products have different proportions of their ingredients). The main difference is the price. You may be paying more for a smaller bottle of something marketed as a leave in or deep conditioner, when it's nearly the same as a bottle of regular conditioner.

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