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Here are some of the questions I get asked the most, and what my answers have been. This way you can get your answers immediately, without having to wait on me. And you never know, you might find answers to a few questions you didn't even know you had yet.

*This is still a work in progress. I'm continuing to add many more questions, and we are still ironing out a few quirks. But we wanted to make this available as soon as possible.

There are several ways to choose the question(s) you'd like answered:

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What should I do when my hair dries out in the middle of combing it?
If you find your hair drying out in the middle of combing it, there may be several causes. I don't towel dry my hair after coming out of the shower after washing it (in fact, a towel doesn't even touch my hair). I don't even squeeze out any water from my hair. While in the shower, I rinse out my rinsing conditioner, put in the combing conditioner, and put it up in two loose buns. Then I finish my shower, put on my pjs and start to comb. I leave the second half up in the bun while I comb the first half to keep it wet. You may need to put your hair in, say, four buns, taking each one down to comb so the rest of your hair can stay wet. So my first suggestion is keeping as much water in your hair as possible. And surprisingly, my hair doesn't drip all over the place when I'm out of the shower and it's up in buns.

And if your hair does start drying out, even after trying multiple buns, there's nothing wrong with re-wetting (which I have to do occasionally if I've had to stop in the middle of the process). Just make sure that you always add a bit more combing conditioner when ever you wet your hair. And if your hair is puffing up as you comb it, or it's getting hard to get the comb through, that means it isn't nearly wet enough. For the sake of your hair, it needs to be kept soaking wet (with tons of a good, slippery conditioner in it). You'll know you have enough conditioner and water in your hair if you squeeze a section of your hair and conditioner gloops out between your fingers. That is how I get the best results for combing my hair. And this way you won't have to stand in the shower to comb (I used to sit in the tub to comb back in the days I was still rinsing out the conditioner).

When I finish each section, that's when I define my curls, pin that hair out of the way, then start a new section.

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